We are very sad to have to report the passing recently of Anula Nikapota, one of the orchestra's longest-standing members and our leader for a number of years. She will be missed terribly as a precious friend and as a musician. Our condolences to Vijita Nikapota, her husband and also a long-standing member, and to their family.

Despite the long lockdown we are still here and working together to keep the orchestra's spirit.
Although it looks unlikely that we will be able to hold our December concert we have a series of workshops planned, the first two of which took place recently. Pandemic permitting, the next will be held in October. We also met for (socially distanced) picnics in the park in the late Summer.
You can raise funds for ALO every time you either buy something on-line or search the web. This will not involve any extra expense on your part and only one extra "click" each time.
You will need to register to support Abbots Langley Orchestra:
Go to easyfundraising.org.uk
Go to "Support a good cause" , enter "Abbots Langley Orchestra" and click "Find"
There will be a list of causes. Click on "Abbots Langley Orchestra" in the list.
Three simple steps to register: i) Name, e-mail address, password ii) Yes/No to gift aid iii) install Easyfunding toolbar - optional
Buying on-line
(Can be used when buying from most major sites e.g. Amazon, John Lewis, Expedia, Argos, Tesco, Next etc)
1 Go to easyfundraising.org.uk
2 Then click from the easyfundraising website through to, for example, Amazon.
The price you pay on the Amazon site will be exactly the same as if you had gone to Amazon first. After you have made your purchase, Amazon, for example, will make a donation to Abbots Langley Orchestra via easyfundraising.
Searching the web
1 Go to easysearch.org.uk
2 Enter your cause "Abbots Langley Orchestra" and click "Find"
3 Click "Abbots Langley Orchestra"
4 Use the easysearch.org.uk search engine at the top of the page to search the web.